Её Величество призвала к миру на Востоке Европы

Ее Величество Тарья Витториа ди Бурбоне и Его Королевское Высочество Принц Маэстро Джунсуке ди Бурбоне (Япония) поделились с "ЭкоГрадом" видеоотчётом с церемонии Новой королевской дипломатии

 Церемония была посвящена миру на Востоке Европы 


Текст письма от Его Королевского Высочества Принца Маэстро Джунсуке ди Бурбоне к Главному редактору "ЭкоГрада" Игорю Панарину  


Dear Sir Panarin.

Good day to you.

Her Majesty's official visit to Japan was successful as you could see in the video.
We are so grateful that more and more people in Japan could understand the spirit of "Love and Forgiveness", as well as feel Her Majesty's unconditional Mother's Love.

As you know, next our work of New Royal Diplomacy is this July in Georgia, which is Her Majesty's 80th Birthday as well.
Her Majesty asked, we would be so grateful if you could tell us the present situation for our next meeting, as well as confirmation of your attendance.

Thank you for your cooperation and we are looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards.

Категория: Новости со всего света
Опубликовано 04.05.2024 06:59
Просмотров: 283